वल्ल्भाचार्य कृत श्रीमद्ब्रह्म सूत्र-अणु भाष्य , भाष्य प्रकाश एवम् रश्मि भाष्य परिबृंहितम् द्वितीय भाग

Vallabhācārya (1479–1531 CE) was an Indian philosopher who founded the Krishna-centered Pushti sect of Vaishnavism and the philosophy of Shuddha advaita (Pure Nondualism). This Text is Part II of his famous Anu Bhashya (Commentary) on the Brahma Sutras. The Brahma Sutra ( Aphorisms of Brahma systematizes and summarizes the philosophical and spiritual ideas in the Upanishads.

Owner(s) of original material: CSDS.