ईश्वर प्रत्यभिज्ञा विवृत्ति विमर्शिनी अभिनव कृत उत्पल विवृत्ति लुप्त खण्ड सह

This Text is the Single Most important Manuscript that has been digitized in the History of South Asian Digitizations. It contains fragments of the Lost Vivritti of the Utpaldev in the colophons - the most coveted text whose other portions still allude us. The Text is a Prose Commentary by Abhinava on the Prose Auto Commentary of Utpals Metric Recognition of the Lord.

Custodial history: Raghunath Temple Library, Jammu. Operating continuously since Late 19th Century.

Owner(s) of original material: Dharmartha Trust, Jammu and Kashmir.