Management of paddy fields and fruit gardens in Lingmo and Tumin

Documents related to the accounts, rents and management of the paddy fields, and mango and orange gardens. Original file reference: SPA/DA/AG/001. Extent of original material: 84 pages.

This file contains the following 50 items.

  • EAP880/1/1/171/1: Notesheet regarding the petition of the caretaker of the fields in Lingmo, 24 Oct 1923-12 Nov 1923, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/2: Notesheets regarding rent and accounts of the mango and orange fields in Lingmo, Feb 1925-Dec 1958, [23 images];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/3: Tibetan document, Feb 1925-Dec 1958, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/4: Letter from Kazi Lobzang Choden regarding a report on his garden in Lingmo, 26 Aug 1915, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/5: Letter from Tashi Namgyal (Chogyal r.1914-1963) regarding the state of his orange garden in Lingmo, 09 Sep 1915, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/6: Report regarding the management of the orange garden in Lingmo, 02 Sep 1915, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/7: Report regarding the state of the mango gardens in Lingmo, 19 Oct 1923, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/8: Tibetan document, 31 Oct 1923, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/9: Tibetan document, 07 Nov 1923, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/10: Report regarding the state of the orange garden in Lingmo, 29 Mar 1926, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/11: Letter regarding the payment of labourers and the watchman, 21 Feb 1925, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/12: Nepali document, 31 Mar 1939, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/13: Letter regarding the orange fields in Lingmo, 18 Mar 1939, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/14: Letter regarding the use of public land for the cultivation of oranges in Lingmo, 11 Apr 1932, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/15: Revenue receipt for the sales proceeds of mangoes fom Lingmo, 18 Aug 1939, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/16: Letter regarding the use of public land for the cultivation of oranges in Lingmo, 11 Apr 1932, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/17: Rough sketch and measurement of Kazi Lobzang Choden's land in Lingmo, c 1932, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/18: Letter regarding the use of public land for the culitvation in Lingmo, 13 Apr 1933, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/19: Petition regarding public land used for the cultivation of oranges in Lingmo, 11 Mar 1936, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/20: Note from the official palace steward regarding land revenue from Lingmo, 30 Mar 1936, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/21: Note from the official palace steward regarding land revenue from Lingmo, 30 Mar 1936, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/22: Report regarding the use of public land for cultivation of oranges in Lingmo, 18 Jul 1938, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/23: Report on the management of the orange gardens in Lingmo, 24 Aug 1938, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/24: Application letter for gardener of the orange garden in Lingmo, 25 Aug 1938, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/25: Nepali document, 05 Jun 1939, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/26: Order from the Palace office regarding the appointment of a gardener at the orange garden in Lingmo, 26 Aug 1939, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/27: Letter regarding the harvest of oranges in Lingmo, 13 Aug 1945, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/28: Letter from the Palace office regarding the revenue from the sale of oranges, 06 Sep 1945, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/29: Letter regarding the revenue from the sale of oranges, 27 Oct 1945, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/30: Letter regarding the revenue from the sale of oranges, 27 Oct 1945, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/31: Letter regarding the revenue from the sale of oranges, 01 Aug 1945, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/32: Summons notice from the office of the Offical Steward , 26 Jun 1951, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/33: Report from the watchman of Lingmo mango orchard regarding harvest, 08 Aug 1951, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/34: Draft notice from the Private Secretary to the watchman of Lingmo mango orchard regarding harvest, 1951, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/35: Report from the watchman of Lingmo mango orchard regarding harvest, 20 Aug 1952, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/36: Report from the watchman of Lingmo mango orchard regarding harvest, 20 Aug 1952, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/37: Rough sketches of the orange garden and mango tree in Lingmo, 1952, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/38: Report from the watchman of Lingmo mango orchard regarding harvest, 05 May 1954, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/39: Revenue receipt for the sale of mangoes from Lingmo, 05 May 1954, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/40: Report from the watchman of Lingmo mango orchard regarding harvest, 14 Jun 1958, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/41: Revenue receipt for the sale of mangoes from Lingmo, 14 Jun 1958, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/42: Report from the watchman of Lingmo mango orchard regarding harvest, 14 Jun 1958, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/43: Rough sketch of the paddy field and orange garden in Lingmo, 1958, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/44: Rough sketch of the paddy field and orange garden in Lingmo, 26 Nov 1958, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/45: Draft notice from the Private Secretary to the watchman of Lingmo mango orchard regarding harvest, 24 Dec 1958, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/46: Cover page regarding the disposal of mango fruits , 02 May 1942, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/47: Notesheet regarding an unserved summons due to the outbreak of small pox, 28 Mar 1945, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/48: Notesheet regarding the sale of mangoes by public auction, 01 May 1942, [2 images];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/49: Report from the watchman of Lingmo mango orchard regarding harvest, 23 Apr 1942, [1 image];
  • EAP880/1/1/171/50: Summons notice from the office of the Offical Steward, 19 Mar 1945, [4 images];