Al-muqni‘ fī ‘ilm Abī Maqra‘: Astology

Treatise on astrology: the stars, the sun and theInterpretation of their positions during different periods in order to choose favourable moments for projects and events or to predict the future. Author: Muḥammad b. Sa‘īd b. Yaḥyā b. Aḥmad b. Dāwūd b. Abūbakr al-Sūsī al-Mirightī (Abū ‘Abdullāh) M: 1679. Scribe: Bābā Yaro b. Sidi Tenintao. Extent and format of original material: Machine made unwatermarked paper 8 pages 165x110mm. Physical characteristics of original: In good condition but some water damage.