"Old Believer essay ""The birth of the Antichrist and his kingdom"" with eschatological extracts // Старообрядческое сочинение «О рождении Антихриста и царстве его» с выписками эсхатологического харак...

Paper: Russian machine-made paper without labels. Writing style: half-uncial script by several hands. The text on f. 1-6 and 17-22 was written by Mel'nikova Elena Osipovna, Mavra the nun (Мельникова Елена Осиповна, инокиня Мавра). She was a resident of the Tomsk-Chulim skit in 1961/62-1994. Cyrillic numeric pagination contemporary with the text.

Decoration: headings and initials with colored inks; schematic head-pieces (f. 1, 9, 13), initials with floral ornament (f. 2, 3-5, 9-12, 14, 17, 18, 26); schematic end-pieces (f. 5, 6, 28). The manuscript contains extracts from essays of Christian writers and an anonymous Old Believer essay «The birth of the Antichrist and his kingdom» [О рождении Антихриста и царстве его] on f. 1-3 [ref. to: Гурьянова Н.С. Старообрядческие сочинения ХIХ в. о Петре I – Антихристе // Сибирское источниковедение и археография. Новосибирск, 1980. С. 151]. Without a cover. Folios are compiled into a notebook and not sewn together.

The manuscript consists of 4 unsewn notebooks, 8° (notebook #1 – 175 mm х 115 mm, notebook #2 – 178 mm х 113 mm, notebook #3 - 178 mm х 110 mm, notebook #4 - 180 mm х 114 mm); 30 f; Condition: satisfactory. The manuscript was made in the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.