Collected eschatological and homiletic texts // Сборник эсхатологического и назидательного характера // Sbornik jeshatologicheskogo i nazidatel'nogo haraktera [18th century]

Paper: Russian handmade paper with a filigree “Pro Patria” and letters “ГУБР” and “ФСIП”, the distance between chain lines – 24 mm, 10 laid lines within 10 mm (paper had been made in 1756 in the manufacture of the Pereiaslavtsevs Merchants, Yaroslavl Governance). [ref.: Клепиков С.А. Филиграни и штемпели на бумаге русского и иностранного производства XVII-XX вв. М., 1959. № 214]. Writing style: half-uncial script by 2 hands. Decoration: headings, initials with vermilion; schematic head-pieces (f. 57, 116), initials with floral ornament (f. 57, 116, 141, 159, 221); end-piece in the so-called style Playing Text [игра текстом] – triangle-shaped objects (f. 56, 115, 140, 167, 187, 220).

The manuscript contains eschatological essays, read during the Meatfare week, and several thematic groups of extracts: 1) extracts from The Book of Psalms (for students and teachers) on the sign of the cross and full prostrations; 2) extracts from Sluzhebnik [Euchologion // Служебник], the Kormchaia Book [Book of the Pilot // Кормчая], the Trebnik [Book of Needs // Требник], interpretations of the Epistle of Paul to the Colossians by John Chrysostom, the Panarion by Epiphanius of Salamis, the Lives of The Holy Hieromartyr Isidore of Yuryev and Anthony, John, and Eustathius of Vilnius, and The Sobornoye Izlozhenie of Patriarch Philaret of Moscow “оn baptism of the Catholic, marriages and beard grooming" [крещении латын о браках и брадобритии]; 3) extracts from the Life of Andrew the Fool-For-Christ, the Kormchaia Book [Book of the Pilot // Кормчая], The Epistle of Paul to Titus, canons of the Council in Trullo (691-692) on repentance and the behavior of the laity in the church. Readers’ notes. 2nd half of the 18th century. 8º (size of book block – 159 mm х 105 mm, height of book block – 45 mm); 228 f; Condition: unsatisfactory; the binding is lost. The manuscript was acquired by the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.