Collected historical and dogmatic texts (sammelband) // Сборник историко-догматического характера (конволют) // Sbornik istoriko-dogmaticheskogo kharaktera (konvoliut)

Paper: 1) Russian machine-made paper without labels, 2) Russian machine-made paper with stamps of V. Govard’s Troitsk manufacture [Troitskaia fabrika V. Govarda, Троицкая фабрика В. Говарда], Kaluga Governorate, had been made in 1900-1904 (f. 1-167, 200-229, 278, 294, 629-634), 3) Russian machine-made paper of Kosinskaia Factory of the merchants Riazantsevs Косинской, Vyatka Governorate, had been made in 1887 (f. 726-737) [ref.: Клепиков С.А. Филиграни и штемпели на бумаге русского и иностранного производства XVII-XX вв. М., 1959. № 47, 48, 175]. Writing style: half-uncial script by several hands; Cyrillic numeric pagination (scriber’s and composer’s). Decoration: headings, initials with colored inks; head-pieces with floral ornament (f. 1, 2, 8), head-pieces with geometric ornament (f. 659, 661, 664, 699), initials with floral ornament (f. 549, 665), end-pieces with floral ornament (f. 665, 667, 699).

The manuscript contains a dogmatic essay of the Old Believers Collection of the Divine Writings Serving to Justify the Faithful Christians [Собрание от божественного писания, служащее ко оправданию правоверных христиан], extracts from the Kormchaia Book [Book of the Pilot // Кормчая] and the Book of Needs [Trebnik // Требник] on fasting, Holy Communion and the altar and an Old Believer historical essay about rebaptism of heretics. Binding: 1950s-1960s, wooden binding, textile, fragments of clasp. Folios of the manuscript of 1890s-1900s with Psalms were used as binding folios and endpapers. Readers’ notes. Enclosures: indexes for the text with numbers of pages, notes about Ecumenical Councils and days of the Creation of the world, fragments of letters. The sammelband was compiled from texts written in the 1890s-1910s and the 1900s-1910s, and added in 1970s-1990s.

4° (size of book block – 215 mm x 175 mm, binding size – 233 mm x 175 mm, binding height - 95 mm). 5 enclosures: Enclosure #1 – 1 folio (166 mm х 111 mm), Enclosure #2 – 1 folio (150 mm х 50 mm), Enclosure #3– 1 folio (201 mm х 161 мм), Enclosure #4 – 1 folio (105 mm х 164 mm), Enclosure #5 – 1 folio (101 mm х 90 mm); 751 f. = f. I + f. 1-6 (1900s-1910s) + 7 (1900s-1910s with added articles in 1970-1990s) + 8-634 (1900s-1910s) + 635-749 (1890s-1900) + II. 5 f. (enclosures); Condition: satisfactory. The manuscript was composed in 1950s-1960s and texts were added in the last quarter of the 20th century by the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.