Collected eschatological texts on true and heretic baptism // Сборник эсхатологического характера об истинном и еретическом крещении // Sbornik eskhatologicheskogo kharaktera ob istinnom i eretichesko...

Paper: Russian machine-made paper without labels. Writing style: half-uncial script by 2 hands. Cyrillic numeric pagination (scribers’). Decoration: headings with vermilion, head-pieces with geometric ornament (f. 1, 4), initial with floral ornament (f. 1), schematic end-piece (f. 1). The manuscript contains 2 incomplete texts in the dream vision genre – The Vision of Macarius of Egypt, and Visions of Gregory, a Disciple of Basil the New, extracts from the Kormchaia Book [Book of the Pilot // Кормчая], Zakonopravil'nik [Nomokanon // Законоправильник], collected texts Syn Tserkovnyi [Son of church // Сын церковный], the Sobornik [Соборник], and The Book of the One, True, and Orthodox Faith [Книга о Вере единой истинной православной // Kniga o Vere edinoi istinnoi pravoslavnoi], and a fragment from an anonymous Old Believer essay (?), "Visions of Gregory, a Disciple of Basil the New" and Old Believer essay were added in the 1900s-1910s. Without a cover. 1860s-1890s (with additional articles of the 1890s-1910s). 4° (manuscript size – 213 mm х 167 mm); 10 f. = f. 1-6 (1860-1890s) + 7-10 (with additional articles of the 1900s-1910s); Condition: unsatisfactory. The manuscript was acquired and texts were added by the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.