Decisions of the Russian Church Council of 1551 (fragment) // Постановления Стоглавого собора 1551 г. (фрагмент) // Postanovleniia Stoglavogo sobora 1551 g. (fragment) [1870s]

Paper: Russian machine-made paper with a stamp of V. Govard’s Troitsk manufacture [Троицкая фабрика В. Говарда] (Kaluga Governorate), had been made in 1866-1867. [ref.: Клепиков С.А. Филиграни и штемпели на бумаге русского и иностранного производства XVII-XX вв. М., 1959. № 42]. Writing style: half-uncial script by several hands. Cyrillic numeric pagination (scriber’s). Decoration: headings and initials with Vermilion, initials with floral ornament (f. 22, 38, 43, 45, 46, 52, 54, 56, 57, 61-63, 65, 67-69, 72, 73, 76, 98, 99, 127). The Stoglavy Sobor [Стоглавый Собор] was a church council held in Moscow in 1551 with the participation of Tsar Ivan IV. The Stoglavy Sobor proclaimed decisions on matters of ecclesiastical polity and the church-state relations. The manuscript contains texts of chapters 4-69. Without a cover. 4° (manuscript size – 209 mmх 167 mm); 147 f; Condition: unsatisfactory. Binding, beginning and ending of text, and folios between f.5-6 and 65-66 (f. 96-98 and 162-181 according to scriber’s pagination) are lost. The manuscript was acquired by the community of Old believers-pilgrims living in the Tomsk-Chulym taiga.