Buddhist Prayer for Easy Passing Through Bardo

Transliterated title: jaġur-a-du-yin qabćaġai-aća getúlgegći jalbaril ayul-aċa tonilqaġći baġatur kemegdekú oruśiba….. A Buryat blockprinted edition of a Buddhist prayer for easy passing through bardo (existence between death and next rebirth according to Buddhist doctrine) Mongolian pagination. Xyl is complete. Russian paper 41x9, inner frame 38x6,5 cm, black ink, 28 lines on page. 1r-4v. Translator and publisher: Galsan-Jinba Dylgirov (b. 1816). Editor: Panchen Lama II bLo bzang Chos kyi rGyal mtshan (1713-1793).