நூல் 1: அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்- 50; நூல் 2: அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்- 200; நூல் 3: குறிப்பிடபடவில்லை (மருந்து செய்முறை)

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்- 50 நூல் 2: அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்- 200 நூல் 3: குறிப்பிடபடவில்லை (மருந்து செய்முறை); The manuscript comprises three texts written on Corypha umbraculifera palm leaves; the first two texts are numbered from 1 to 54 and the third is composed of 22 disparate palm leaves. The manuscript is damaged by fungus and by larveae. Text 1 - The text entitled Akattiyar Vaittiyam-50 contains 13 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 13; it is complete. Written in verses, the text describes three medicinal formations: Veḷḷi paṟpam, Kantaka paṟpam and Turicu centūram. It mentions some medicines appropriate to treat the following disorders: flatus in pregnant woman (karppa vāyvu), enlargement of lymph node in neck region (kaṇṭamālai) and in inguinal region (aṟaiyāppu). Text 2- The text entitled Akattiyar Vaittiyam-200 is incomplete. It contains only 18 leaves numbered from 36 to 54. Written in verses, it also describes formulation of medicines: Medicated oils: Civaṉār vempu tailam, Māmuṉi tailam, Cēṅkoṭṭai tailam, Vempiṉ tailam, Vāluḻuvai tailam, Tuḷaci tailam, Veḷvēl tailam, Upā ilai tailam, Amukkarā tailam, Cīṉappa tailam, Ōma tailam, Cāraṇai vēr tailam Ceṉṉakarai paṭṭai tailam and Takarai tailam, Dried plant powder: Mēṉi curaṇam Medicated ghī: Poṉṉāṅkāṇi kirutam, Catāvēri kirutam, Tūtuvaḷai kirutam. It mentions medicines for treating ear disease (kātu viyāti), stomach pain (vayiṟu nōvu), intestinal worms (kirumi), vāta fever (vāta curam), kapa fever (cileṟpaṉa curam), as well as a medicated oil (tailam) for treating delirium (caṉṉi), steamed medicine for rectifying kapa imbalance (cileṟpaṉa curattukku piṭṭavial) and a decoction (kacāyam) for fever (curam). Text 3- This text written in prose exposes various formulations of medicines: Tāmpurāti cūraṇam, Raca paṟpam, Raca cuṇṇam, Kukkilāti vaṭakam and Ulōka māraṇam. It mentions an oil (eṇṇey) for treating vāta imbalance, a dried plant powder (cūraṇam) for healing hemorrhoids (mūlam) and a decoction (kacāyam) for fever caused by pitta imbalance. Size of the manuscript: 20.5cm x 3.5cm. The palm leaves of the text 1 are numbered from 1 to 13 and of the text 2 from 36 to 54. The other disparate leaves are or are not numbered. The leaves are in Corypha umbraculifera. The manuscript is damaged by larvae and fungus.