குறிப்பிடபடவில்லை (மருந்து செய்முறை)

Title in original script: குறிப்பிடபடவில்லை (மருந்து செய்முறை) The manuscript contains a text of 75 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 75. The text is incomplete. The manuscript is in excellent condition. Written in both verses and prose, the text presents methods to preparing the following medicines: Medicated oils: Mulaippāl tailam and Kataḷi tailam; Añcu eṇṇey and Cūleṇṇey; Piḷḷai carvāṅkam and Akattiyar carvāṅkam Dried plant powder: Kīḻkāy neḷḷi cūraņam, Civatai cūraņam and Pālāti cūraņam Medicated ghī: Kukkūṭāti ney and Kōḻi ney, Pūṉai kirutam Wax-like medicines: Racakanti meḻuku, Kuṟiñci kuḻampu, Kaṇṭuca kuḻampu, Eḷḷu kuḻampu, Iñci kuḻampu, Nārattai kuḻampu and Caṉṉi kuḻampu Electuaries: Kōtampu lēkiyam, Maṇmata lēkiyam and Taṭiyaṅkāy lēkiyam; Paṭṭai racāyaṇam and Tippili racāyaṇam Pills: Veṭṭu mārpaṉ kuḷikai, Pūmaṇi kuḷikai and Karukkuvāy kuḷikai Tablets: Piḷḷai ēlāti māttirai and Vātarāṭcaṉ mattirai Medicinal product obtained by sublimation: Muppūra pataṅkam Some medicines are mentioned for treating diseases. They are decoctions (kacāyam) for healing red rashes in skin (cikappu), eczema (karappāṉ), hemorrhoids (tacamūla); medicated oil (tailam; enney) for treating delirium (caṉṉi), leprosy (kuṭṭam), scabies (ciram), injuries in varma, discharge of pus in ears (cīkātu), poison bite (viṣa); fomentation (poṭṭaṇam) for reducing fever due to delirium (caṉṉi curam); medicine (maruntu) for insanity (cittam tēḷiya), pitta imbalance, two types of urinary tract infection (mēkam maruntu and mēka vātam) and oral ulcer (tāmarai muḷḷu); pills (kuḷikai) for reducing fever (curam); and ointment (pūccu) for poison bites (kaṭi viṣam). It informs additionally on a decoction for treating calf affected by muscular pain of legs (kēntavāli). Size of the manuscript: 33.0cm x 3.3cm. The palm leaves of the text are numbred from 1 to 75. The manuscript is in excellent condition.