பல வாகட திரட்டு

Title in original script: பல வாகட திரட்டு The manuscript is constituted by a text containing 100 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 100. The manuscript is complete and in excellent condition. The text, entitled Pala Vākaṭa Tiraṭṭu, describes treatment for diseases, notably the types of medicinal plants, the quantity used in medicinal formulations and their medical usages. The medicinal products which are specified are: medicated fumes (pukai) for treating headache (talaivali) and delirium (caṉṉi); pills (māttirai) for purgation (pēti) and fever (ratanāti curam; explanation from the cittar Pulipāṇi); medicated oils (tailam) for treating facial palsy (muka caṉṉi), delirium (caṉṉi), cooling the body (cūṭṭuku muḻukukiṟa) and increasing the body weight of children (piḷḷai parukka), and other medicated oils (eṇṇey) for head and vāta imbalance; a nasal powder (nāciyiṭum pōṭi), a semi-liquid medicine (kuḻampu) for reducing convulsion (icivu); a tooth powder (pal poṭi); and various medicines for treating: migraine (orupuṟattu ceṉṉi vali), convulsion (iḻuppu), indigestion in children (kaṇai; piṟaḷi māntam), urinary tract infection (mēkam), burning micturation (nīrkaṭupu), tuberculosis (cayam), bronchial asthma (iraippu), eye diseases (kaṇ tuṭippu), poison bites (viṣaṅkaḷ), injuries of vital points (varmam), cough (irumal), body heat (uṣṇam), sinusitis (pīṉicam) and intestinal ulcer (kuṭal puṇ). A medicine to clean mites on cows is also given. The names of medicines mentioned by the text are: dried plant powder: Nilavākai cūraṇam and Cuvāca cūraṇam; medicated oils: Tiripala tailam, Pākai ilai tailam, Tirumēṉi eṇṇey, Cītēvi eṇṇey and Cittira mūla eṇṇey; electuaries: Civatai lēkiyam and Pūraṇa cañcīvi lēkiyam; pills: Uyirāti kuḷikai and Rāmapāṇam; wax-like medicine: Kūcilāti meḻuku; and a semi-liquid medicinal preparation: Nilavākai kuḻampu. Size of the manuscript: 20.0cm x 3.2cm. The condition of the manuscript is excellent. The palm leaves are numbred from 1 to 100. There are two additional leaves: one placed at the beginning of manuscript provides some some information regarding the text, and that placed at the end of the manuscript is blank.