குறிப்பிடபடவில்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Title in original script: குறிப்பிடபடவில்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்) The manuscript is made of a text containing 79 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 79; the text is incomplete. The manuscript is in excellent condition, the leaves being more and less darkened due to fungus infestation. The text, written in prose, is a compilation of palm leaves selected from several texts (pala tiraṭṭu) which describes formulations of medicines for treating different diseases, and lists raw materials. The remedies mentioned in the text are recommended to treat all types of fever (curam) including persistent fever, children’s diseases, gynecological diseases and fertility troubles, epilepsy, tuberculosis, hemiplegia, diarrhea and colic pain, jaundice, severe headache and persistent cough, inflammation of joints, sinusitis, ailments caused by imbalance of vātam, (pakka-vāta, vāyu and caṉṉi vātam). The medicinal formulations which are exposed are: Vatuli and Ela kacāyam (decoctions) for all types of fever; Kuruntoṭṭi tailam (medicated oil) for varma practice; a tailam for gastric ulcer (kuṉmam); and Aṣṭa lēkiyam (electuary) for diseases caused by vāyu (wind), as well as Añcaṉa tēṅkāy eṇṇey and Cūl eṇṇey; Vāta rakṣa tailam, Kamalāti tailam, Veḷḷuḷḷi tailam and Navakanda tailam; Kantaka meḻuku and Iṭivallāti meḻuku; Kātairaca villai and Talai kirakam. Size of the manuscript: 37.5cm x 3.8cm. The manuscript, incomplete, is inumbered from 1 to 79. It is in excellent condition. The two first and last leaves are blank. Its numbering is in Tamil (inscribed with a stylus) and in Arab (felt pen).