நூல் 1: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருத்துவம்); நூல் 2: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருத்துவம்); நூல் 3: தேரையர்- 500

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருத்துவம்) நூல் 2: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருத்துவம்) நூல் 3: தேரையர்- 500; The manuscript is composed of three texts which deal mainly with formulation of medicines. All the texts are written in verses, and are incomplete. The manuscript likes to a work in process. In addition to the 22 palm leaves composing the 3 texts, there are 92 leaves prepared to be written; 88 of them have not been digitalised but kept in the manuscript. The manuscript is in bad condition, very affected by larvae. Text 1- The text, formed by 7 palm leaves, is a compilation of formulations of medicines and medical practice collected orally from many traditional practitioners by a person named Aruḷi Piḷḷai Muṟai. The formulations which are exposed are: medicated oils for treating ear diseases (cevi nōykaḷ) and scabies (coṟi ciraṅku); a dried plant powder called Nilāvārai cūraṇam for treating deafness (kātiraiccal); medicines (maruntu) whose the categories are not specified for treating dysentery (kaḻiccal), inflammation (vīkkam), head ache (talaivali) and menorrhagia (perumpāṭu); a electuary, called Ūmattai ilai lēkiyam), against poisoning (viṣam); an ointment (lēpaṇam) for treating veneral diseases (piramēkam), as well as Karuvaṅka paṟpam. Text 2- The text of 4 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 4 concerns formulation of medicines which are detailed with the quantity of raw material they require, the diseases for which they are recommended and their posology. The formulations are Elāti cūraṇam for improving breathing (mūccu viṭa muṭiyāmai), for treating hiccup (vikkal), vomiting (vānti) and gastritis (vayaṟu ericcal) and for reducing thirst (tākam), Paṭṭu karuppu and Liṅka centūram for treating fever (curam), delirium (caṉṉi, cuka caṉṉi) and flatulence (vāyu), as well as a decoction (kaṣāyam) for treating fever (curam, pitta curam), vomiting and reducing thirst. Text 3- The text is an excerpt of Tēraiyar- 500. The text contains 5 leaves not numbered. The text describes some formulations of medicines, with the quantity of raw material and their adjuvants, the diseases they treat and the recommended posology. The formulations concern electuaries for treating gastritis (kuṉmam), dryness of skin (vaṟaṭci), hemiplegia (pakkavātam), urinary infections (mēkam), tuberculosis (cayam, īḷai, kācam), colic pain (cūlai), enlargement of lymph node in inguinal region (araiyāppu) and enlargement of lymph node in neck region (kaṇṭamālai), and medicines (maruntu; not specified) for treating mental disorders (paittiyam), diseases of the skull (maṇṭai nōykaḷ), menorrahagia (perumpāṭu), infection of uterus during pregnancy (karuppu mēkam, karpparaṇam), infection of urethra (nīrttārai puṇ), fever (asti curam), diseases causing degeneration of bones (elumpurukki), flatulence (vāyu), ear disease (eḻucci), oral ulcer (vāy puṇ), and diseases caused by pitta imbalance. Size of the manuscript: 29,5cm x 3,3cm. The text 1 is composed of palm leaves numbered from 3 to 8 and an additional leaf; the leaves of text 2 are numbered from 1 to 4; and the text 3 is formed by 5 leaves whose 2 are numbered 1 and 2 and 3 are not numbered. The manuscript contains 2 blank leaves placed at the end and 32 placed at the end, among them only 4 have been digitalised. The manuscript is in extremely bad condition due to larvae infestation.