தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்) The manuscript is composed of a text constituted of 106 palm leaves. The manuscript informs that the text contains 1200 verses, but only 1151 verses are exposed. The condition of the manuscript is average. The leaves 1 and from 101 to 106 are very damaged by larvae and the others are more and less darkened by fungus infestation and/or affected by larvae. The text focuses on medicinal formulations: Dry plant powders: Acuvakanti cūraṇam, Kaṇṭātirika cūraṇam, Cupavāti cūraṇam, Tirāṭcāti cūraṇam, Ciṅkāti cūraṇam, Kentaka cūraṇam, Tapāvaṉa cūraṇam and Cantanāti cūraṇam. Medicated oils: Makā nārāyaṇi tailam, Laku pūtikā tailam, Piruṅkāmala tailam and Pūnāka tailam. Lozenges: Kentaka vaṭakam, Kāṅkaya vaṭakam, Ceviya vaṭakam, Vaiṭūrāca nāti vaṭakam and Amuca maṇṭūka vaṭakam. Electuary: Covākya cuṇṭi. Pills: Pūpati cintāmaṇi māttirai, Pūrṇa cantirōtayam māttirai, Kastūri māttirai and Makā caṉṉi pāta vairavaṉ. Size of the manuscript: 38,0cm x 3,4cm. The text is composed of palm leaves numbered from 1 to 106. The manuscript is in average condition. The first and five last leaves are very damaged and the leaves are more and less affected by larvae, and darkened by fungus.