தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருத்துவம், ஜோதிடம் மற்றும் esoterism)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருத்துவம், ஜோதிடம் மற்றும் esoterism) The manuscript is composed of a text of 48 leaves written in verses. While many palm leaves are broken and have no longer a number, the verses are numbered from 1 to 541; many verses are missing. The manuscript is in very bad condition; the leaves are fragile, damaged by larvae and very darkened by fungus infestation, and many of them are broken. The author and title are not specified. However the author seems to be Akattiyar as the verse numbered 71 mentions “Āmappā Pulatiyarē” (yes, Pulatiyā), Pulatiyā being one of the name of Akkatiyar. The text concerns multiple subjects: pulse reading (nāṭi), astrology (zodiac signs), esotericism, yoga, notably the practice of breathing (vāciyōkam) and the method of attaining eternal bliss (kāyacitti), as well as medicine. Regarding medicine, it describes formulations of dried plant powder (curaṇam), of calcined red salt prepared from metals (centūram) with their adjuvants and of pills (kuḷikai, kuṭōri), and medicinal formulations which act as anti-oxidants (kalpam). It provides also some information on mercury (cūtam) and lead (vaṅkam). Regarding esotericism, it presents some mantiraṅkaḷ, a triangular yantiram called mukkōṇam, a picture used to worship Śiva (citampara cakkaram), and the eight actions or stages to practice magic (aṣṭa karma). The additional eleven leaves come from various manuscripts. They approach various topics related to alchemical process, notably to transmute copper into gold, but information are only partial (racavātam). Size of the manuscript: 33,5cm x 3,2cm. The text is composed of 48 palm leaves among them 22 are broken and have no longer a number and the others are numbered: 22 to 35, 40 to 41, 54 to 56, 62 to 63, 68. The text is followed by a blank leaf, eleven leaves and a blank leaf. The manuscript, very fragile, is in bad condition; very deteriored by larvae and darkened and weakened by fungus.