நூல் 1: அகத்தியர் தீக்ஷா விதி; நூல் 2: சித்தர் ஞான கோவை; நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மந்திரம்); நூல் 4: தலைப்பு இல்லை (வைத்தியம்); நூல் 5: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மந்திரம்)

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: அகத்தியர் தீக்ஷா விதி நூல் 2: சித்தர் ஞான கோவை நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மந்திரம்) நூல் 4: தலைப்பு இல்லை (வைத்தியம்) நூல் 5: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மந்திரம்); The manuscript is composed of 5 partial texts coming from diverse manuscripts and an additional leaf whose the topic is not identifiable. It is in extremely damaged by larvae, making its reading very difficult. Text 1- The text contains one palm leaf from a text entitled Akattiyar Aruḷiya Tīṭccai, on which verses from 1 to 4 are written. The verses concern formulations of medicine which is not identifiable. Text 2- The text contains 23 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 23; the leaf number 16 is missing . Comprising 200 verses, it is the second chapter (iraṇṭām kāṇṭam) of a text supposed to be Ñaṉa kōvai, as the verse n° 199 seems testifies it by the sentence: “kurumuṉi col mutaṟkarṇam kōvaiyāme”. The text concerns the philosophy of the cittarkaḷ. Text 3- The text, composed of 15 palm leaves numbered from 2 to 13, leaves 10-12 being missing, and not numbered. The text is in prose. It explains the primary mantiraṅkaḷ (mūla mantiram) addressed to goddesses such as Vālai or Kāḷi. It describes and presents also many yantiraṅkaḷ. Text 4- The text, formed of 10 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 18, is written in prose. It describes some medicinal formulations with their appropriate dosage and the diseases they treat. The diseases which are focused are cough (irumal), tuberculosis (iḷaippu) and dysentery (kirāṇi). It details the formulation of Piṇṭa meḻuku used for healing some skin diseases such as skin disease (kuṭṭam), ulcer (kiranti) and eczema (karappāṉ mutaliavaṟṟu), and also of Vallāti lēkiyam and Racakanti meḻuku. Text 5- The text is composed of a single leaf which corresponds to the first leaf of the 4th chapter (kāṇṭam) of text not indicated. The leaf contains 19 verses which explain what means to be possessed (kūṭu viṭṭu kūṭu pāyum vittai). It may be suggested that the leaf belonged to the text entitled ‘Akattiyar Jālam’. Size of the manuscript: 21.8cm x 4.2cm. The text 1 is composed of one palm leaf. The text 2 is composed of palm leaves numbered in Tamil from 20 to 207. The text 3 contains 15 palm leaves numbered from 2 to 18, leaves 10-12 being missing or not numbered. The text 4 is composed of 10 leaves numbered from 1 to 18 and the text 5 of only one leaf. There are 3 blank leaves. The manuscript is extremely damaged by larvae, making its reading very difficult.