ஜால திரட்டு

Title in original script: ஜால திரட்டு The manuscript is composed of a text made up of 137 palm leaves, forming six chapters; the chapters 3 and 5 are incomplete. The leaves are not numbered continuously as each chapter has its own numbering. The state of the manuscript is average as many leaves are damaged by mould developed by the repeated use of sandal water sprinkled on manuscripts during the worship. The text, written in verses, is entitled Jāla Tiraṭṭu. It deals mostly with the art of magic. Chapter 1: The chapter, entitled Cakti jālam, is made of palm leaves numbered from 1 to 27 on which 200 verses are inscribed. This chapter concerns magic. It describes diverse preparations of magical black pastes used as eyeliner, notably a paste, called Tilata mai, which, when is applied in eyes of a person, provides him/her the aibility to visualise things or incidents which will happen in his future life. It presents the preparation of a pill called Racamaṇi (solidified mercury) and a pill (not named) which are used to perform magic. Chapter 2: The chapter contains 200 verses inscribed on palm leaves numbered from 1 to 20. The first 50 verses and the last 50 ones describe the preparation of some complex medicines such as Turucu cuṇṇam and Liṅka meḻuku as well as the process to extract pure copper from iron. The intermediary verses concern the performance of magic (vittai) using eggs (aṇṭam) of a black variety of hen (karuṅkōḻi) and diverse bird species (paṭci vittai). Chapter 3: The chapter is composed of 200 verses inscribed on palm leaves numbered from 1 to 15; the leaf 4 is missing. The chapter describes different types of magical arts and the methods to perform them. Chapter 4: The chapter is constituted of leaves numbered from 1 to 15 on which 200 verses are inscribed. The text presents 64 types of magical actions and the manner to perform them. Chapter 5: The chapter contains palm leaves numbered from 1 to 31 on which 199 verses are inscribed; the leaf n°6 is missing. The chapter is a compilation of diverse subjects concerning the performance of magic, the possession by evil spirits and meditation. Chapter 6: The chapter contains leaves numbered from 1 to 31 on which 201 verses are written. The chapter concern also magic. It describes the preparation of various magical black pastes, specifically one made from Strychnos nux vomica (eṭṭi) and one from a red variety of monkey (tēvāṅku). It explains how to practice magic by using dead animals, as for example with the head of a black cat. It provides also the formulation of a pill, called Irutalaimaṇi kuḷikai, used in magic. The last leaf of the text presents a mantiram and a yantiram serving to invoke the goddess Vākvātiṉi or Carasvati (Sanskrit: Sarasvati). Size of the manuscript: 27.5cm x 3.7cm. The palm leaves of the text are numbered as following: part 1 from 1 to 27; part 2 from 1 to 20; part 3 from 1 to 15 (leaf 4 is missing); part 4 from 1 to 15; part 5 from 1 to 31 (leaf 6 is missing); and part 6 from 1 to 31. A blank leaf is placed at the beginning and two with writting and yantiraṅkaḷ at the end. The state of the manuscript is average as many leaves are damaged by mould developed by the repeated use of sandal water sprinkled on manuscripts during the worship.