அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்- 1500

Title in original script: அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்- 1500 The manuscript comprises a text of 79 palm leaves which formed two manuscripts. 56 leaves have a number comprises between 2 and 136; the others without a number as they are broken have been ordered according to the number of verses. The condition of the manuscript is average as numerous leaves are broken, but only fifteen have a part of text missing. The text is a part of Akattiyar Vaittiyam- 1500. It describes the preparation of Mēkāti cūraṇam, Cantaṉāti ney, Rata pūpati, Kālākkiṉi rutraṉ, Corakānta vairavaṉ, Makā mēka racam, Lōka centūram and Apraka centūram. It presents three medicated ghī: Amukkarā ney recommended for treating tuberculosis (cayam), Pūcaṇikkāy ney for treating all types of venereal diseases (cakala mēkam) and Nāyuruvi ney for treating bleeding piles (rattamūlam); a calcined medicine prepared from lead, called Karuvaṅka paṟpam, for treating gastritis (kuṉmam), and some medicines (not named, maruntu) for treating deafness (kātu kēḷātavar), 20 types of urinary tract infections (mēkam 20) and eye diseases (nēttira rōkam). The text explains the process to purify (cutti) mercury (cūtam). It provides as well some information on pulse (nāṭi niṟam). Size of the manuscript: 30.3cm x 3.7cm. 56 palm leaves are numbered between 2 and 136; the other leaves without a number have been ordered according to the number of verse. The condition of the manuscript is average; numerous leaves are broken, but only fifteen have a part of text missing.