நூல் 1: வாத நூல்- 200; நூல் 2: வைத்தியம்- 200; நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து சியமுறைகள்)

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: வாத நூல்- 200 நூல் 2: வைத்தியம்- 200 நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து சியமுறைகள்); The manuscript is formed of three texts dealing with medicines. All the texts are incomplete. The manuscript is in excellent condition. Text 1- The text, entitled as Vāta Nūl- 200, is formed of 11 palm leaves numbered from 6 to 16, on which the verses 22 to 69 are inscribed. The style and content of the text suggest that it was written by Akattiyar. The text describes the preparations of Apraka centūram, Aritāra vaṅkam and Cūta paṟpam, some electuaries (lēkiyaṅkaḷ) and medicated oils (tailaṅkaḷ), a medicine prepared with gypsum (cilācattu), as well as medicinal products (kaṟpaṅkaḷ) considered as favouring rejuvenation and longevity. Text 2- The text, entitled Vaittiyam- 200, is formed by 15 palm leaves numbered from 32 to 48 on which the verses 36 to 21 are inscribed; the leaves 39 and 42 are missing. A note inscribed on the verse n° 53 suggests that Pulattiyar, the disciple of Akattiyar, is the author of the text despite Vaittiyam- 200 is currently attributed to Akattiyar. The text describes the preparation of Ayakānta centūram, Vaṅka centūram, Nāka centūram and Tāḷaka centūram, Veḷḷi paṟpam, Kiḷiñcal cuṇṇam, Pūraṇa cantirōtayam and Akkiṉi kumāraṉ. It present the formulation of a pungent product (ceyanīr) used in medicine and alchemy. Text 3- The text is made of palm leaves numbered from 49 to 53. The text, written in prose, describes the preparations of Raca paṟpam, Veḷḷīya paṟpam, Kānta paṟpam, Kārīya paṟpam, Tāmira paṟpam, Veḷḷi paṟpam and Veṅkala paṟpam as well as a medicated oil (eṇṇey) for treating sinusitis (pīṉicam). It provides information on the process to purify gold (corṇa cutti) and to prepare a centūram (red calcined medicine) with gold. Size of the manuscript: 22.0cm x 4.4cm. The palm leaves of the 3 texts are numbered from 6 to 16, 32 to 48 and 49 to 53, respectively. The leaves 39 and 42 are missing. The manuscript is in excellent condition.