நூல் 1:சதியாரூடம்; நூல் 2: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Titles in original script: நூல் 1:சதியாரூடம் நூல் 2: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்); The manuscript is composed of two texts written on the palm leaves numbered from 1 to 12; both texts are incomplete. Severely affected by larvae and fungus, a part of the leaves of the manuscript has been destroyed. Text 1- The text, written in verses, is entitled Catyārūṭam. It deals mostly with treatment for poisonous bites. The formulations which are mentioned are: Dried plant powders: Cūrāti cūraṇam, Magical black paste: Akora rutra añcaṉam, Karuta añcaṉam and Parañcōti mai Pills: Cittānta pīri māttirai, Cuṭukāṭu mīṇṭāṉ māttirai, Caṅkāra vairavaṉ māttirai and Malai takattāṉ māttirai; Cañcīvi uruṇṭai; Tirunīlakaṇṭan Wax like medicine: Pañcapāṇa kuḻampu, Cittāti kuḻampu, Cañcīvi kuḻampu and Kali kuḻampu Nasal drops: Vināyaka naciyam The text specifies some medicines (maruntu; not named) for treating rat bites (eli kaṭi), poisonous bites (cil viṣam) and skin diseases (kuṭṭam). Text 2- The text is composed of the leaf n°12. It describes, in prose, the formulations of Keruṭa añcaṉam and Kalikka māttirai. Size of the manuscript: 27.5cm x 3.4cm. The palm leaves of the manuscript are numbered from 1 to 12; two leaves placed at the beginning and at the end of the text are blank. The manuscript is in bad condition. The leaves are severely affected by larvae and fungus.