தலைப்பு இல்லை (வைத்தியம்)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லை (வைத்தியம்) The manuscript contains a text composed of disparate and mixing palm leaves numbered from 13 to 69; many leaves are missing and a leaf which is broken has no longer number. These leaves come from two texts: Akattiyar Vaittiya Cura Nūl and Akattiyar Navakaṇṭakiṣam. There are two additional leaves which come from another manuscript. The leaves are very darkened due to fungus infestation; 7 leaves have been partly bitten by rodents. The text, written in verses, concerns pulse (nāṭi) and formulations of medicines for treating diseases caused by imbalance of pulses. The text describes the clinical features of diseases caused by deranged pitta, notably kapāla pittam, mūḷaiyil pittam, utira pittam, vāyvu pittam, cileṟpaṉa pittam, ceviyaṭa pittam and mūlam pittam, and the diseases which occur when both vāta nāṭi and pitta nāṭi are affected. The formulations of medicines are: Tippiliyāti cūraṇam, Civareṇṇey, Apraka centūram and Vaṅka centūram, as well as a kaḷippu, a special ointment and a medicine whose the category is not specified (maruntu), for treating 40 types of pitta diseases. The two additional leaves which belong to another manuscript are in so bad state that it is impossible to deciphering their topic. Size of the manuscript: 20.5cm x 3.4cm. 17 palm leaves of the text are numbered in Tamil between 13 and 69. There are 3 additional leaves among them 2 are extremely damaged by rodents. The leaf 56 is partial. The manuscript is stained and darkened by fungus.