கொங்கணவர் - 500

Title in original script: கொங்கணவர் - 500 The manuscript contains the text Koṅkaṇavar- 500 whose the palm leaves are numbered from 1 to 82 and written in verses. The manuscript is extremely damaged, making the reading of the text very difficult. The information provided in the text concerns iatrochemical processes. The verses describe the purification of sal ammoniac (cāra cutti) and of potash alum (kāra cutti; from potash alum ‘paṭikāram’) and the process to prepare beads derived from these salts, i.e. cāra kaṭṭu (bead of sal ammoniac) and cīṉa kaṭṭu (bead of potash alum). The text informs also on the process to make beads from cupper sulfite (turucu kaṭṭu), and on the origin of this salt. It mentions several mineral products such as distillate of potassium nitrate (veṭiyuppu ceyanīr), calcinated salts (añcu cuṇṇam) and water of potassium nitrate (veṭiyuppu nīr). It exposes principles for processing inorganic raw material (palamuṟaikku karu) and describes some primary drugs (mutaṉmai carakku viparam). Size of the manuscript: 38,0cm x 3.3cm. The text is numbered from 1 to 82 but the number is not visiible on numerous leaves (located between numbers 1 and 82 and after 82) which are broken or very damaged by larvae and rodents. Some leaves are also missing. Two leaves introduce the text, they are followed by a written leaf (no number) and a blank leaf.