நூல் MSS3H: சல்லியம்- 100; நூல் MSS3Z3: விடுதலை கும்மி; தலைப்பு இல்லை (இரண்டை தவிர)

Titles in original script: நூல் MSS3H: சல்லியம்- 100 நூல் MSS3Z3: விடுதலை கும்மி தலைப்பு இல்லை (இரண்டை தவிர) The manuscript is constituted of 31 texts of various sizes, dealing with two major topics: medicinal formulations and magic based on mantiram and yantiram for treating disorders. The identification number of this file (CTMR_CH_MSS3) has been divided in sub-files (MSS3A to MSS3Z and then MSS3Z1 to MSS3Z5), corresponding to the sub-files of the digitalized manuscripts. The physical state of the 282 palm leaves that compose the manuscript is variable as many leaves were bitten by rodents. MSS3A - The text, comprising 7 palm leaves, deals with formulation of medicine. It mentions some names of diseases, such as flatulent diarrhea (vāyukirāṇi), diabetes mellitus (nīriḻivu), dysentery (cītakirāṇi) and also a disease called keṟpavippūruti (swelling in the womb occasioned by the suspended flow), for which the formulation of medicine is presented in details. It mentions a medicine to ward off evil spirit (toṣa nīṅkavum) and for treating ptosis (netira vāyu). MSS3B - The text, comprising 7 numbered palm leaves, presents medicinal preparations for piles, fistula, and scorpion sting, and collyrium and informs on medicinal preparations made of castor oil which cause diarrhea. It also mentions mantiram chanting in the eight cardinal and intermediary directions. Two additional palm leaves without number, present medicines for treating tuberculosis. MSS3C - The text, comprising 23 palm leaves, deals with white and black. It describes various white magical techniques based on mantiram: the use of sacred ash (vipūti mantiram), of amulets (tāyattu mantiram) specific for treating pediatric diseases, of nīm leaves for warding off illness (veppilai aṭikkum mantra) and chanting mantiram to cure kuḻi toṣam (child affected by an evil spirit sent by a person immediately after the child’s bath); on yantiram (diagram) for treating insect bite and for vāḻāta woman (a married woman whose the husband refuses to live with); and on pūja using image (vālai pūjā cakkara viti). It explains some techniques used in black magic (māya vittai) such as throwing sand in eyes (kaṇṇil maṇ pōṭṭu koḷḷa), to give a stone to eat (vāyil kal tiṉṉa) or to chant mantiram for mesmerizing people (kaṭṭu mantiram). The text mentions also pījākṣaraṅkaḷ (pīja mantiraṅkaḷ in the name of different gods which, recited together, provide a lot of positive energy and blessings to humans; pīja from bīja in Sanskrit signifying seed, semen) as well as two types of not identified mantiraṅkaḷ, kuḷikeṇṇey mantiram and calliyatuku mantiram. The text presents, in addition, a few remedies for treating two kinds of dysentry (ratta kirāṇi and vāta kirāṇi) and ptosis (netira vāyu). MSS3D - The text, comprising 11 palm leaves, deals with black magic. It describes mantiraṅkaḷ to mesmerize people (kaṭṭumantiram), to create enmity (virōtam uṇṭākka), a mantra to do strange things (vinōtam ceyya) and to steal mouse and cow (mūñcūru, māṭu kavara), as well as a mantiram in the name of the goddess Jakkammā Tēvi. Some mantras are not understandable. Additionally, the text presents a nasal instillation for treating jaundice and some incomplete and unspecified medicinal. MSS3E - The text, comprising 5 palm leaves, details the materials required to perform cremation. The methods to perform it and the names of medicinal plants used for burning the corpse are not given. MSS3F - The text, comprising 9 palm leaves, deals with formulation of medicines for the following diseases: diarrhea in children (ciṟupiḷḷaikaḷiṉ kaḻiccal), diarrhoea caused by increase of pitta (uṣṇa pēti), fever caused by vāta imbalance (vāta curam), hernia (aṇṭa vātam), dysmenorrhoea (cūtaka vali), sterility due to wind humour imbalance (malaṭṭu vāyu). MSS3G - The text, comprising 4 palm leaves, deals with black magic used in the war context. It describes the mantiram used to kill (maraṇam), to destroy the fortifications, to create animosity against enemy soldiers in order to win the battle (koṭṭai cuvarkaḷ tānē iṭintu viḻa, paṭaikaḷ tōlviyaṭaiya). MSS3H - The text, comprising 3 palm leaves, deals with magic. Entitled Caliyam- 100, it describes the formulation of a collyrium used to mesmerise people. It is applied beneath the eyes by chanting 108 mūla mantiraṅkaḷ. MSS3I - The text, comprising 8 palm leaves is composed of 4 parts: Part 1 is a verse dedicated to lord Murugan. Part 2 is compose of a verse but difficult to interpret Part 3 describes diverse diseases: colic pain due to derangement of vāta and kappa (ayya vāta cūlai), severe discharge (cīnīr), dysmenorrhoea (cūtaka vāyu), sterility (malaṭu), eye diseases (kaṇ nōykaḷ), symptoms such as those caused by Parkinson disease (pārica vāyu), 6 types of leprosy (kuṭṭam), and of nodules (kiranti), 8 types of intestinal worm of round shape (maṇ uṇṇi), and 4 types of intestinal worms in the shape of pin (niyāti puḻu). A type of pill, Kaṇi māttirai, is also presented. Part 4 presents the formulation of a oil which, when applied on head and body, gives relief to burning sensation (erivu) such as kulai erivu (heart burn due to dyspepsia), in legs and hands, to hunger (paci tīpaṉam). The text proscribes the use of tamarind in food the day when the oil is applied. MSS3J- The text, comprising 13 palm leaves deals with magic. It explains mantiram to mesmerize people. MSS3K - The text, comprising 12 palm leaves, deals with mantiram devoted to gods and rituals. It mentions Vīra patraṉ uccātaṉam, and Vīra patraṉ cakaram, Mōhiṉi uccātaṉam, Kāḷi mantiram, Aṭṭa Kāḷi mantiram and Tākiṉi mantiram, and other mantiram not devoted to god, such as cakara tevi mūla mantiram, pīja mantiram (pīja from bīja in Sanskrist signifying seed), Strī vaciyapaṭutta and vaciya mantiram. Several pūja are informed such as varāki pūja and varāki ammaṉ pūja. The text also describes a collyrium which, applied in eyes by using a yantira picture, allow for seen things in the earth (pātāḷa añcaṉam). Finally, a medicine for veneral disease (veṭṭai) is presented. MSS3L - The text, comprising 18 palm leaves, describes in details a formulation of medicine for treating incurable stomach pain. MSS3M - The text, comprising 7 palm leaves, describes formulation of some medicines. MSS3N - The text, comprising 4 palm leaves, describes the formulation of Rasa paṟpam recommended for treating pulmonary diseases: tuberculosis (kāca rōkam), a disease similar to tuberculosis (caya rōkam), an abscess with inflammation in the chest (uḷaimāntai), and a disease affecting lungs (kapam īḷai). MSS3O - The text, comprising 8 palm leaves, describes formulation of medicines for treating leucorrhoea (veḷḷai), of a lēkiyam for curing urinary tract infection (mēkam) and mention also three medicines: Piramālai māttirai, Pitta kapa paṟpam and Oḻukarai paṟpam. The writing of this text is extremely difficult to understand. MSS3P - The text, comprising 14 palm leaves, deals with formulation of medicines and mantiram. The medicinal formulations exposed in this text are: Vaṅka paṟpam, Karuṭa paṟpam, and Akkiṉi kaṭṭu. MSS3Q - The text is composed of 5 disparate palm leaves which are not understandable. MSS3R - The text, comprising 3 palm leaves, deals with mantiram. Those which are mentioned are: kaṭṭukku mantiram to mesmerize people, picācu vilaka cakaram to expel evil spirit (picācu), rattam kaṭṭa mantiram to stop bleeding, and Mōhiṉi uccāṭaṉam. Mōhiṉi is a goddess who possesses males during night and causes semen loss. The Mōhiṉi uccāṭaṉam which is quoted is an invocation to the goddess Bhagavathi (other name of Mōhiṉi) to do favorable things urgently: “Om namō pakavatē apiṣṭa mōhiṉi ṣvākā, tēvatai mōhiṉi, pātāḷa nāka mōhiṉi, rāca mōhiṉi, piracāla cītaraṇi, māru, māru, vā, vā, kuru kuru cīkiram cittumē ṣvākā.” MSS3S - The text, comprising 4 palm leaves, deals with magic. The mantiraṅkaḷ specified in this text are used for mesmerizing others; for making egg fled in air, for attracting disinterested woman, and also for performing the Tēvi pūja. This text presents a medicinal formulation particularly efficacy for curing all types of vāta diseases and dysmenorrhoea (cūtaka vāyu). MSS3T - The text, forms of 4 palm leaves, explains the formulation of oils for treating all types of urinary tract infections (mēkam). MSS3U - The text, comprising 6 palm leaves, describes formulations of medicines for treating cough (irumal), inflammation (vīkkam), dysentry (kaḻiccal), colic pain (cūlai viyāti), veneral disorders (veḷḷai mēkam), tuberculosis with blood spitting (ratta kācam), snake bite (pāmpu kaṭi), severe wound caused by veneral disease (mēkavāta kiranti puṇ), as well as for improving general health (tātu puṣṭi) and increasing appetite. A technique for mesmerising a cow and making it obedient (māṭu eḻuntirikka) is also specified. MSS3V - The text, comprising 29 palm leaves, deals with magical treatment. It describes mantiraṅkaḷ used to ward off the burning sensation caused by exposure to fire (neruppu paṭṭataṟku aṇal vāṅka), to provide a baby to infertile couple, to encourage a recalcitrant baby to drink its mother’s milk (mulai uṇṇātā piḷḷai), to cure diseases of cow (māṭukalukku nōvu vantāl). It explains some yantiram (diagram) for increasing breast’s nipple in order to facilitate suckling (mulai eḻumpātavaḷu), for treating male impotency (āṇmai ilātavaṉ), rat bite (eli veṭṭukuriya yantiram), menorrahagia (perumpā), women and children affected by evil spirits (pēy piṭittāl), and children affected by an evil spirit sent by birds (pakṣi tōṣam). The text presents a yantra written in betel leaves (veṟṟilaiyil eḻutum yantiram). It also specifies a medicine for treating children affected by rickets caused by derangement of pitta (pitta kaṇai) and a type of treatment called rāca vaittiyam, as well an oil for curing cow’s diseases (māṭṭu viyātikaḷuklu eṇṇey). MSS3W - The text, comprising 7 palm leaves, describes formulations of decoction for treating fever related to urinary tract infections (mēka curam). MSS3X - The text, comprising 8 palm leaves. This text describes formulations of the medicines recommended for diseases such as decoction for indigestion (acīraṇatir), medicines (maruntu) for treating inguinal lymph node enlargement in neck region (kaṇṭamālai), cought (irumal), colic pain (cūlai), pain due to pitta imbalance (pitta cūlai), a vāta disease with blood infection (ratta vāyu), veneral diseases (piramiyam), heart burning (neñcu ericcal), unconsciousness (mayakkam), as well as for mesmerizing (kaṭṭu maruntu). The names of medicines which are specified are: Pūtañcu māttirai, Elāti māttirai and Veppu māttirai. Size of the texts: 17 to 28cm x 2.3 to 3.5cm. Each text is numbered. The physical state of the 282 palm leaves is variable as many leaves were bitten by rodents.