தலைப்பு இல்லைநூல் (வைத்தியம்)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லைநூல் (வைத்தியம்) The manuscript is composed of a text of 52 leaves numbered from 2 to 115. It is extremely damaged by fungus so as many leaves are broken or breakable, making its reading very difficult. The text concerns medicinal formulations, especially Mukkūṭṭu tailam, Aḻuku eṇṇey, Mēkarācāṅka lēkiyam, Cēṅkoṭṭai vallāti, Caṇṭamāruta kuḻampu, Pavaḷa paṟpam and Kāyacutti kaṟpam, and Kēṟpa vippuruti. Size of the manuscript: 20.0cm x 3.0cm. The manuscript is formed of leaves very damaged, often without number, as they are broken. The manuscript was kept in the the same order than it was found.