நூல் 1: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மந்திரம்); நூல் 2: அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்-50; நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (கணேசன்)

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மந்திரம்) நூல் 2: அகத்தியர் வைத்தியம்-50 நூல் 3: தலைப்பு இல்லை (கணேசன்); The manuscript is composed two texts and two disparate palm leaves. It is in excellent condition. Text 1- The text is numbered from 2 to 22. Two additional leaves precede it. The text deals with magic. It describes the mantiraṅkaḷ appropriate for treating diseases, notably those of the children (piḷḷaipiṇi), abdomen colic (vayiṟu vali), a type of fever called aṇal vāṅka, poisonous bites (viṣakaṭi), headache (talaiṭi), sterility (malaṭṭu puḻu) and veneral disorders (veṭṭai). It presents a mantiram to control oneself, and another to force a snake to run away from a house. Additionally, the text describes a kaṭṭu, a category of medicine considered as highly efficacy, called Citampara kaṭṭu. Text 2- The text, entitled Akattiyar Vaittiyam- 50, comprises 5 palm leaves numbered from 2 to 6 on which 12 verses are written. The text deals with diseases caused by vāta imbalance, notably: pakka vātam (hemiplegia), naṭukku vātam, muṭakku vātam, cantu vātam and mukavātam. It mentions also the medicines appropriate to treat them. The two disparate leaves concern a song by Auvayār which explains the benefits provided by Lord Ganēṣa when he is worshipped. The verse relates: “those who seek the Lord (…) and worship his feet with flowers without failing, will be blessed with good speech (literary ability, knowledge), good heart (good thoughts). They will have also the favourable looks from the Goddess seated on lotus (Lakṣmi, the Goddess of wealth), so that their bodies will not be affected by diseases”. Size of the manuscript: 13.0cm x 3.3cm. The manuscript contains two texts, two disparate palm leaves and 9 blank leaves. The text 1 contains palm leaves numbered from 2 to 22, and text 2 contains leaves numbered from 2 to 6. Its condition is excellent.