குறிப்பிடபடவில்லை (ஆழ்வார்கள் அருளிய திவ்ய ப்ரபந்தம்)

Title in original script: குறிப்பிடபடவில்லை (ஆழ்வார்கள் அருளிய திவ்ய ப்ரபந்தம்) The manuscript contains a text, written in prose, numbered from 5 to 60. Despite some leaves are slightly broken the manuscript is in good condition. The text is a commentary of the Tivya Prapantam which is a collection of Tamil songs composed by the 12 Aḻvārkaḷ (Vaiṣṇava saints). These songs glorifying Viṣṇu and his avatarkaḷ were sung in various reputed temples known as Tivya Tēcaṅkaḷ (108 places according to the tradition). The Tivya Prapantam was compiled in its present form in 9th-10th centuries by Nātamuṉi. It marks the beginning of the canonisation of 12 Aḻvārkaḷ whose the poems are still extensively sung today. The text of this manuscript presents specifically the commentaries by Nampiḷḷai on the work of the saint Nammāḻvār. Although the text is of Tamil tradition, it is written in Grantha (Tamil scripts for transcribing Sanskrit literature). Size of the manuscript: 40.0cm x 3.3cm. The palm leaves are numbered from 5 to 60; leaves 1 to 4 and 34 are missing. The condition of the manuscript is good; q few leaves are broken or damaged by rodents.