தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்) The manuscript is made of a text numbered from 11 to 101. The text, incomplete, is in excellent condition, despite there are some traces of fungus infestation. The text deals with two topics: formulation of medicines, mostly complex, and esotericism. The medicinal formulations concern the fabrication of Nācipaḻa tailam and Aṟukampul tailam; Uppu nīṟṟu; Mūli mūlam; Cura māttirai; Kantaka centūram; Cavukkāra cuṉṉam; Racamaṇi kaṭṭu, Aritāra kaṭṭu, Pācāṇa kaṭṭu and Cavvīra kaṭṭu; and Turucu kuru. They concern also some treatments such as medicated fume (pukai) for treating delirium (caṉṉi), and mention some plants (āti mūlikai; mūlikai kaṟpam). The text describes the process (vaippu) to prepare mercuric chloride (cavvīram), arsenic penta sulphide (aritāram), borneol (paccai kaṟpūram) and camphor (cūṭaṉ). It explains synergetic elements (carakku mittiram) and exposes alchemical processes using lead (kārīya vētai) and mercury (cūta vētai). The subjects related to esotericism and spirituality concern the eight paths of performing magical actions (cila aṣṭa karma vittaikaḷ): vacikaraṇam (making somebody attracted by yogis), mōkaṇam (causing enchantment), ākarṣaṇam (drawing the attention of something towards the yogi), uccāṭaṇam (reciting mantiram for specific goals), stampaṇam (stopping the natural action of things), vitvēṣaṇam (making somebody hatred), pētaṇam (creating discrepancies between people) and māraṇam (causing death); the text explains how to perform sacrificial rituals (palipūcai muṟaikaḷ) and to worship the gods Vairavaṉ (Bhairava) and Māṭaṉ (a Tamil minor god). It describes a method of diagnosis using five birds (pañca paṭci), and presents the mantiram called aṅkāḷa. Size of the manuscript 36,3cm x 3,5cm. The palm leaves of the text are numbered in Tamil and Arabic from 11 to 101. The leaves from 85 to 88 are missing; two leaves are numbered 91, and one leaf, broken, has no number. The manuscript is in excellent condition, slightlly affected by larvae, fungus and rodents.