சிலேற்பன நோய் நிதானம்

Title in original script: சிலேற்பன நோய் நிதானம் The manuscript is composed of a text containing 142 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 142. The first 39 leaves are more and less damaged by rodents so as the number of the 25th first leaves is not visible, the leaves from 135 to 142 are broken. The first leaf presents the content of the text which, despite its title which specified diseases cause by cilēṟpaṉa imbalance, addresses the following categories of diseases or health troubles described according to their nosology, diagnostis and treatment: kapa disease (cilēṟpaṉa nōy), tuberculosis (caya nōy), wounds (kāyam), intestinal tuberculosis (uḷaimāntai), cough (irumal), hiccup (vikkal), bronchial asthma (ikkiḷ nōy), respiratory disorders (cuvāca nōy), convulsion (vali), cardiac disease (neñcu nōy), and sore throat (kural kammal). The described cilēṟpaṉa nōykkaḷ are: irumal cēṟpam, kāya cēṟpam, cuvāca cēṟpam, tīpaṉa cēṟpam, manta cēṟpam, vāta cēṟpam, pitta cēṟpam, tonta cēṟpam, caṉṉi cēṟpam, cura cēṟpam, aticāra cēṟpam, cala cēṟpam, akkiṉi cēṟpam, pūta cēṟpam, muyalakaṇṭa cēṟpam, vikāra cēṟpam, cuṟōṇita cēṟpam, viraṇa cēṟpam, turkanta cēṟpam and cantata cēṟpam. The mentioned caya nōykkaḷ are: piramma cayam, rāja cayam, vaiciya cayam, cūttira cayam, vāta cayam, pitta cayam, cilēṟpa cayam, tiritōṣa cayam. The kāyam types mentioned in the text are: mantāra kāyam, pakka mantāra kāyam, cuṭar kāyam, vāta kāyam, pitta kāyam, ratta kāyam, cēṟpa kāyam, pīṉica kāyam, vātapitta kāyam, pittacēṟpa kāyam and tiritōṣa kāyam. The types of uḷaimāntai concern: vāta uḷaimāntai, pitta uḷaimāntai, cēṟpa uḷaimāntai and tiritōṣa uḷaimāntai. The types of irumal nōykkaḷ are: maruntīṭu irumal, kañcā irumal, cura irumal, ratta irumal and matu irumal. The vikkal nōykkaḷ presented in the text are: cūttira vikkal, tamaṉakaṉ vikkal, ciṉṉakaṉ vikkal and tiritōṣa vikkal. The types of ikkiḷ nōykkaḷ which are mentioned are: aṉṉai ikkiḷ, cūttira ikkiḷ, yamaḷa ikkiḷ, kempīra ikkiḷ and makā kempīra ikkiḷ. The described cuvāca nōykkaḷ are: cūttira cuvācam, mayakka cuvācam, alaṟu cuvācam, perum cuvācam and mel cuvācam. The types of vali nōykkaḷ concern: amarakaṇṭaṉ vali, kumarakaṇṭaṉ, kākai vali, pirammakaṇṭaṉ vali, timir vali, kollu vali, caṇṭāḷa vali, maraṇa vali, maṉō vali, viṣa vali, tiritōṣa vali, cēṟpa vali, taṇu vali, cā vali, vikkal vali, kōḻai vali, ōṭu vali and mārpu vali. The types of neñcu nōy which are exposed are: vāta neñcu nōvu, pitta neñcu nōvu, cēṟpa neñcu nōvu, tiritōṣa neñcu nōvu and kirumi neñcu nōvu . Lastly, the types of kural kammal are: vāta kural kammal, pitta kural kammal, cēṟpa kural kammal, tiritōṣa kural kammal and caya kural kammal. Additionally, the text mentions Muṇimār toṭṭam (Ravana’s garden) which is, according to the information of Mohana Raj, a hilly area close to Muncirai, where the rocks are supposed to have been formed from the cittarkaḷ’s tears who cried Rama when he was imprisoned in Sri Lanka. This is in reference to the Rāmāyaṇā, epic for which it exists a few folk legends specific to Kanniyakumari, as this state is situated on the way to Sri Lanka. Size of the manuscript 28,5cm x 3,5cm. The palm leaves of the text are numbered in Tamil and Arabic from 1 to 142. The first leaf is an index of diseases described in the manuscript.There are two leaves placed at the end: one is blank and the other indicates the text's name. The first 39 leaves and those from 135 to 142 are partly broken.