நூல் 1: சிகப்பு நிதானம்; நூல் 2: வாலை வாத நிதானம்; நூல் 3: பிரளி நிதானம்; நூல் 4: உள் சிகப்பு நிதானம்

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: சிகப்பு நிதானம் நூல் 2: வாலை வாத நிதானம் நூல் 3: பிரளி நிதானம் நூல் 4: உள் சிகப்பு நிதானம்; The manuscript is formed of five texts written in verses and two additional leaves. It is very fragile and dark due to infestation of fungus. The texts deal with diseases of children. Text 1- The text, containing 21 palm leaves, is complete. It describes cikappu nōykaḷ, diseases characterised by red patches on the body in term of names, typology, clinical features and treatment. The explored cikappu nōykaḷ are: nal cikappu, kontaḷa cikappu, vikāri cikappu, karuñcāti cikappu, uṟpaṉa cikappu, cantira cikappu, caṉṉi cikappu, uṇakkal cikappu, talaiyāri cikappu, cūriya cikappu, tāṭaka cikappu, piraḷi cikappu, ēṟucakkaṟa cikappu, iṟaṅku cakkaṟa cikappu, acāttiya cikappu, piṟanīr cikappu, maṅkica cikappu, retta cikappu, aṇal cikappu, koḷḷi cikappu, nel cikappu and kōḻi kaṇṇaṉ cikappu. Text 2- The text, consisting of 10 palm leaves numbered from 21 to 31, is complete. It describes a category of diseases caused by vāta imbalance (vālai vāta) in terms of names, nosography, diagnostic and treatment. It mentions cura vātam, akkiṉi vātam, mūla vātam and vitai vātam. Text 3- The text, consisting of 6 palm leaves numbered from 32 to 37, is incomplete. It describes piraḷi nōykaḷ, convulsive diseases, in terms of names, nosography, diagnostic and treatment. It mentions: akkiṉi piraḷi, paccai piraḷi, araṇai vālaṉ piraḷi and muṟukku piraḷi. Text 4- This text, incomplete, consists of 8 palm leaves numbered from 32 to 39. It describes a type of cikappu nōykaḷ, red rashes on the skin called uḷ cikappu nōykaḷ, in terms of names, nosography, diagnostic and treatment. It mentions: koḻi pūvaṉ cikappu, māri cikappu, piraḷi cikappu, ceṅkāmāri cikappu and nākaṉ cikappu. The two additional leaves concerns the treatment of asthma affecting children. Size of the manuscript 26,0cm x 2,9cm. The 3 first texts are numbered from 1 to 39 in Tamil and Arabic and the 4th from 32 to 39. The leaf numbered 3 is missing. There are also a blank leaf, two written leaves and 3 blank leaves placed at the end of the manuscript. The manuscript is very dark with many stains of fungus; it is very fragile.