அடங்கல் திறவுகோல்

Title in original script: அடங்கல் திறவுகோல் The manuscript, in excellent condition, contains a text consisting of 19 palm leaves numbered from 1 to 19, followed of an additional leaf, the content of which being not understandable. The text which ends with an avocation to the guru (implicitly, the master from whom the practitioner acquired his/her knowledge) is incomplete. The text describes some vital points (aṭaṅkal) on the view point of their location in the body. They concern: katir narampu aṭaṅkal and peru narampu aṭaṅkal (narampu means nerve); ātāra aṭaṅkal, uyar nilai aṭaṅkal, kōri vāri aṭaṅkal, piṟatārai aṭaṅkal, vāḷaviḻi aṭaṅkal, piḷḷai aṭaṅkal and carvāṅka aṭaṅkal.Size of the manuscript 12,7cm x 2,7cm. The text is numbered from 1 to 19 in Tamil and Arabic. There are a blank leaf and a last leaf on which is written an invocation to the guru. The manuscript is in excellent condition.