தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்)

Title in original script: தலைப்பு இல்லை (மருந்து செய்முறைகள்) The manuscript is composed of a text and two additional palm leaves dealing mostly with preparation of medicinal products. Although the leaves are intact, they are very stained and blackened by fungus and are fragile. The text is numbered from 13 to 126; numerous leaves are missing. The names of the medicinal formulas it describes are: Veḷḷai cūraṇam, Kāmakecari cūraṇam, and Amirta cañcīvi cūraṇam; Mēka rācāṅka tailam; Vallārai ney; Taṅka paṟpam, Pavaḷa paṟpam, Uppu paṟpam, Muttu paṟpam, Vaṅka paṟpam and Mūlikai paṟpam; Pūpati cēntūram; Kaṟpūra vaippu and Cavvīra vaippu; kāmakecari kuḷikai and Vālai cantiraṉ kuḷikai, Nīlakaṇṭa vālai; Kaṟpūra kuḻampu; and Nārattai lēkiyam. The text explains also the significance of performing pūja before undertaking the work of medicinal preparation. Size of the manuscript 36,0cm x 3,7cm. The manuscript is composed of 69 leaves numbered in Tamil and in Arabic from 13 to 126. The manuscript is incomplete as it misses numerous leaves. Some leaves are broken and there are many brown stains on the leaves caused by fungus.