நூல் 1: மருந்து செய்முறைகள்; நூல் 2: மருந்து செய்முறைகள்

Titles in original script: நூல் 1: மருந்து செய்முறைகள் நூல் 2: மருந்து செய்முறைகள்; The manuscript is composed of two texts dealing mostly with formulations of medicines. The manuscript was in very bad condition, affected by larvae and covered of fungus and eggs of insects. The first text is particularly damaged while the second is in excellent condition. Text 1- The text comprises 33 folios numbered from 1 to 33; it is incomplete as many leaves are missing or badly damaged by larvae. The text deals with the formulations of medicines. The names of the medicines mentioned in this text are: Mucumucukai lēkiyam, Añcu tēṅkāy eṇṇey, Kausikar kuḻampu, Pūpati māttirai, Kāntaraca paṟpam, Cātikkāy lēkiyam and Mōr eṇṇey. The text mentions medicinal preparations used for treating diverses diseases, notably medicated oils (tailam) as anti-dote against poisons (viṣam), a tailam based on egg for treating delirium (caṉṉi), medicated fumes (pukai) against headache, a ointment (kaḷimpu) against scabies (ciraṅku), fomentation (oṟṟal), gruel (kañci) and medicated oil (eṇṇey) for treating varma injuries, a decoction (kacāyam) against oral ulcer (tāmarai muḷḷu), kuḻampu (semi-liquid medicinal product) against stomach pain and a dried plant powder (curaṇam) for reducing gas (vāyu). Text 2- The text contains 35 folios numbered from 1 to 35 and deals with formulations of medicines, namely Vicapēti kacāyam; Tāḷicapattiri cūraṇam, Tātu viriti cūraṇam and Kummaṭṭi cūraṇam; Kōḻi poṭi; Veḷvēlam ney; Mōr eṇṇey and Arakku mōr eṇṇey; Cītēvi tailam, Cantaṇāti tailam, Maturāti tailam and Kukkuṭa tailam; Mucumucukai lēkiyam, Āṉanta vairavaṉ māttirai and Elāti māttirai; Kummaṭṭikkāy kuḻampu and Iñci kuḻampu; Kānta centūram and Lōka centūram; Āṟumuka meḻuku; Kuru paṟpam, It also specifies a medicine for treating fistula (pavuttiram). Size of the manuscript 29,1cm x 3,4cm. The manuscript is composed of 82 leaves numbered in Tamil and in Arabic numerals. The text 1 is numbered from 1 to 67; the palm leaves 21-29, 32, 40 and 51-59 are missing. Many of its leaves are damaged by rodents or are broken. The text 2 is numbered from 1 to 35. Its condition is good.