அணுபவ மருத்துவம்

Title in original script: அணுபவ மருத்துவம் The manuscript is composed of a text of 87 palm leaves which is complete. The text, attributed to Akattiyar, is written both in verses and prose. The text concerns the preparation of medicines: Kantaka cūraṇam and Tāḷicapattiri cūraṇam; Vacavu eṇṇey, Rāca eṇṇey and Cātikāy eṇṇey; Pīṉica tailam, Carvāṅka tailam, Cīraka tailam, Cāmpirāṇi tailam, Poṉṉāvārai tailam and Kukkuṭa tailam; Veṉkuṅkiliya paṟpam, Vaṅka paṟpam, Tālaka paṟpam, Raca paṟpam, Karuvaṅka paṟpam, Kantaka paṟpam, Cavvīra paṟpam, Ciṅki paṟpam and Nāka tāli paṟpam; Mātuḷai paḻam lēkiyam, Uṭumpu lēkiyam, Kūḻpāṇṭa lēkiyam, Karicālai lēkiyam and Kōtumai lēkiyam; Mārkaṇṭēya meḻuku, Vāṉ meḻuku, Kaṉaka liṅka meḻuku and Akattiyar kuḻampu; Paccai kaṟpūra māttirai, Navalōka māttirai, Kaṭukurōkiṇi māttirai, Kaṭṭuvāti māttirai, Rāmapāṉa māttirai and Āṉanta vāyu māttirai; Aticāra kuḷikai; Iliṅka centūram, Pañcapāṣāṅka centūram and Caṇṭamāruta centūram; Racakaṟpūra kaṭṭu and Iraca kaṭṭu; Amirta kaṟpam; and Tāmpūrāti. The text mentions as well categories of medicines for treating diseases: a pōṭi (powder of a dried plant) for diarahoea (pēti), a kaḷimpu (ointment) for lymph enlargement in groin region (araiyāppu), cūraṇaṅkaḷ (dried plant powders) for gastric ulcer (kuṉmam), tuberculosis (kācam eṭṭu), female infertility (peṉ malaṭu), fistula (pavutiram), hernia (aṇṭavāttam), child indigestion (māntam), renal calculus (kallaṭaippu), stricture urethra (catai aṭaippu) and piles (mūlam), medicated oils (tailam) recommended for menorrahagia (perumpāṭu), eczema (karappāṉ), sinusitis (pīnicam), skin diseases (kuṭṭam), delirium (caṉṉi), inflammations (vīkkam), anuria (nīr iḷakkam) and against pitta diseases, a eṇṇey (medicated oil) for treating enlargement of lymph node in neck region (kaṇṭamālai) and a talam (paste composed of blood and cūraṇam applied on the scalp) for reducing pitta diseases. Other medicaments are also specified for treating delirium (caṉṉi), oliguria (nīraṭaippu), skin disease (kuṭṭam), vomiting with diarrhoea (vānti pēti), and poisons (viṣam).In addition, the text presents the purification process (cutti) of some inorganic ingredients such as lead (karuvaṅkam) and tin (veḷḷiyam). Size of the manuscript 22,5cm x 3,5cm. The text is numbered in Tamil and Arabic from 1 to 87. The manuscript is in excellent condition. It is complete and includes 3 aditional palm leaves: one, placed at the beginning, indicating the title; one, numbered 81, after leaf 81; and one, placed at the end.