
One of the well known illustrated Hindi literary journal. Published from Allahabad. It contains several philosophical, social and historical articles. Apart form that it also contains novels, stories and poems etc. This volume contain a special women number which dealt different social and religious issues on women, novels written by women writers, essays on women education etc. Date of original material: Ashar 304 Tulsi [Sambat] - Bhadra 304 Tulsi [Sambat] & Asvin 304 Tulsi [Sambat] - Margasirsha 304 Tulsi [Sambat] (July 1927 - November 1927). Calendar/Era: Hindi calendar/Tulsi Sambat. Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: Printed Hindi Monthly periodicals; Brittle and damaged by the book-worms. The original volume with length of 24 cm. Publisher: Prayag: Belvedere Press; Editor: Bhaktasiromani & Jyotiprasada Misra. Vol. 4, No.1 Part. 4 - Part. 6 & No. 2, Part. 1 - Part. 3 . The journal started from 1681 BS. 43 plates are attached with this volume.