
Translated version with annotation of one of the eighteen Hindu maha-puranas. Originally written by Krisnadvaipayana Bedabyasa in Sanskrit, Vishnupurana is based on the life and spirituality of Vishnu, one of the most prominent God in Hindu mythologies. This volume was translated by Pancanana Tarkaratna (1866 - 1940), a well known scholar of Bengal. Date of original material: 1331 [B. S.] 1924. Calendar/Era: Bengali Calendar/BS. Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: Printed book in Sanskrit and in Bengali; Brittle and damaged by the book-worms. The original volume with length of 22 cm. Author: Krishnadvaipayana Bedabyasa; Publisher: Calcutta: Natabar Chakrabarty; Editor: Pancanana Tarkaratna.