
Bengali translation of a book on Sanskrit text Naya Vaisheshika or the ancient Hindu text on setting rules by Visvanatha Nyayapanchanan Bhattacharya of Navadvipa. It has a special emphasis on mind, hypothesis and methods of knowledge etc. The book is once used as a text book in the colleges of undivided Bengal. Date of original material: 1354 [B. S.] 1947. Calendar/Era: Bengali Calendar/BS. Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: Printed book of Sanskrit grammar written in Bengali script.; Brittle and damaged by the book-worms. The original volume with length of 23 cm. Author: Bisvanatha Nyayapancanana Bhattacaryaya (author); Publisher: Calcutta.: Panchanan Sastritarkatirtha; Editor: Pancanana Sastri (editor & translator). This book is a part of a special collection of Bibhutibhusan Tarkatirtha of Santipur Bangiya Puran Parishad.