Brahmasutra ba Bedanta darsana

This volume is a part of the Bengali translation on the concept of Brahma in the Vedanta philosophy. Written by Ramanuja of sixteenth century, the entire philosophical approach has been translated by Durgacarana Sankhya Vedandantatirtha, a well known Sanskrit litterateur of Bengal. Date of original material: 1319 [B. S.] 1913. Calendar/Era: Bengali Calendar/BS. Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: Printed book in Bengali; Brittle and damaged by the book-worms. The original volume with length of 24 cm. Author: Srimad Ramanujacarya (author), Durgacarana Sankhya Bedantatirtha (translator); Publisher: Calcutta: Bangiya Sahitya Parishat; Editor: Durgacarana Sankhya - Bedantatirtha. Vol. 2.