Sahitya barshiki

Souvenir published on the occasion of celebrating nineteenth year of the Santipur Sahitya Parishat. This book contains biography of Haridas, a Baisnabite guru, sugar industry in Bengal, novels poems etc. Date of original material: 17 Asvin 1342 [B. S.] (October 1935). Calendar/Era: Bengali Calendar/BS. Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: Short book let published on the occasion of the nineteenth year of Santipur Sahitya Parishat; Brittle and damaged by the book-worms. The original volume with length of 17 cm. Publisher: Santipur: Santipur Sahitya Parishad; Editor: Prabhasa Candra Pramanika. Booklet published on the 19th year of the parishat.