
Literature. Mahākāvya. The story of Nala, the king of Niṣadha and Damayantī, the princess of Vidarbha. On its first page a birthday of some Padmalocana, son of Dayārāma Pañcānana is mentioned as, the 8th day of the month of Bhādra, that was a Saturday and the 14th day of a dark lunar fortnight, during two and a half prahara when the lagna was Scorpio and the star was Puṣya and moon is on Cancer, in the Śaka year 1662 (=1740 CE). Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: 13 Folios; Incomplete MS. No colophon found.; Extremely fragile. The original size of the folios are 43X7 cm. Author: Śrīharṣa. The place of composition of this manuscript is Kannauj (Some scholars claim he is originally from Bengal).