Nyāyakaustubha (only Upamānakaustubha or Upamānakhaṇḍa)

Nyāyakaustubha is a vast treatise on Navya Nyāya. It is divided into four chapters namely Pratyakṣakhaṇḍa, Anumānakhaṇḍa, Upamānakhaṇḍa and Śabdakhaṇḍa. This MS contains only the third chapter of Nyāyakaustubha i.e. Upamānakhaṇḍa. Extent and format of original and physical characteristics: 16 Folios; ; Extremely fragile. The original size of the folios are 24X13 cm. Author: Mahādeva Puṇatāmbekar. The place of composition of this manuscript is Varanasi (originally from Maharashtra).