
Commentary, indicated also by Bhā. Ti. in the left margin, folios 6a-13b. Incomplete, Jyotiṣa. Colophon: Iti Śrī Pañcasiddhānte Sāre Satānanda Viracitā Bhāsvatī Karaṇe Pañcāṅgānayanādhikāra Tṛtīya: (8b, EAP760_TN018_006.tif), Grahaspaṣṭādhikāra: Caturtha:(12a, EAP760_TN018_013.tif).

Alternative calendar and dates: Nepal Samvat; c 940.

Physical characteristics: Nepali Paper, Patra Saphu (Leaf book); 8 fols, 22 cm X 10 cm; One side smeared with Haritāl.

Reference for the physical file at the Tīrthalāl Naghabhanī Archive: 18.