"༄། །ཆོས་ཀྱི་རྒྱལ་པོ་དྲི་མེད་ཀུན་ལྡན་གྱི་རྣམ་ཐར་བཞུགས་སོ།། The story of་ Gyalpo Drimet Kundan. (Wylie chos kyi rgyal po dri med kun ldan gyi rnam thar bzhugs so) Mixed, some pages originally Mid 19th...

The story of Drimed Kunden. Written in Tibetan Uchen script. Like many Buchen texts, this is an edifying biographical/hagiographical story (namthar) used to illustrate and explain essential Buddhist ideas of karma and impermanence. (complete). Variable form: some pages handwritten, others photocopied from an original pecha. Some folding of pages. All bound into a hard cover but in pecha format (original handwritten). Size 430mm x 90mm. 1 volume of 146 folios. File includes a cover page.

The material is owned by Meme Chettan Dorje and has been handed down from father to son through several generations of head Buchen. These Tibetan texts are in numbered sequence.