"Purification chants, chants for cleaning mold, chants for dispelling ghosts, chants for searching for souls for homkar."

Cham manuscript bound by threads, no covers, written in Chinese on double printed paper, Akhar Thrah script. The manuscript is torn at its corners. Some pages (43-44) are creased. Page 44 is torn. The topics of this manuscript are rituals, magic. Contents: purification chants, chants for cleaning mold, chants for dispelling ghosts, chants for searching for souls for homkar.

This manuscript was bequeathed to Mrs. Bah Muk (mother of Mrs. Su) by Mr. Maduen Cet (grandfather of Mrs. Dao Thi Su) in 1978. In 2003, when Mrs. Bah Muk died, this manuscript was bequeathed to Mrs. Su. Author is unknown.

Extent and Medium of originals: Printed paper, folded in two. 44 pages.

Volume no.: 16.