Pha Upakhut Phap Phanya Man (King of the Mara ) (ພະອຸປະຄຸດຜາບພະຍາມານ) (1976)

This text is about two important occurences : 1. A novice named Nikhotha is able to bring a Thamma Sokalat to turn to Buddhism. 2. Pha Uphakhut tortures the king of the Maras in a celebration ceremony for the Paet Muen Si Phan Duang, which was built by Phachao Thamma Sokalat (i.e. Buddha Gotama). The colophon mentions Maethao (Grandmother) Khamchan and her offsprings as sponsors. Date of original material: CS 1338 (huay si year) B.E 2519; 1976. 26 folios.