Hṛdaya Aparājitānāma Dhāraṇī

This is a Dhāraṇī text written on the 'Nila Patra' (literally: the blue paper) paper folios with yellow ink. However, some other texts written on 'Nila Patra' such as the Pancaraksa sutra or prajnaparamita sutra are written with gold or silver ink or both. It is in Sanskrit and script is Pracalit Newārī. It has 15 folios. The size of the folios is 21.5 X 8 CMs. this manuscript is now under the custory of Padmavarṇa mahayana mahaVihāra in Lalitpur. this manuscript does not mention the name of the scribe. However, the presiding monk at the Vihāra is of opinion that the former Abbot Manjughosa himslef has written this manuscript. this manuscript along with some other in this collection are not properly arranged. this is an incomplete manuscript folio 2 is missing.