Tathāgataguhyaka Sūtra

This manuscript was originally catalogued as Tathāgataguhyaka Sūtra with the description 'This Sūtra is very rare in Nepal. It is one of the 'Nine Vaipūlya Sūtras' that Newār people venerate to great extent. These Sūtras are recited time and again on various religious rituals and ceremonies. The manuscript here is written in Pracalit Newārī script in Sanskrit . Folios are smeared in yellow colour. It is very perfectly written and very beautiful.'.

When the manuscript went online, the EAP office was contacted with the information below.

While it is indeed a fine manuscript [...] EAP676/17/2 is not the Tathāgataguhyakasūtra, but in fact the Guhyasamājatantra. This is a very common attribution mistake with Nepalese manuscripts, and stems from the apparent disappearance in Nepal of copies of the former text. Many manuscripts of the latter are going around with the former title. Comparing just the first lines of the manuscript to any edition of the Guhyasamāja, the identity of this text can be verified.