Album 156 [c 1867-c 1914]

Description: 1 photograph album of 30 double pages: text and photographs. All by Bonfils Studio. Album's measures: 18,5 x 13,5 x 3 cm, Each page: 16 x 13 cm. Image 1: Front cover of album [c 1867-c 1914]. Image 2: First page [c 1867-c 1914]. Image 3: Table of contents [c 1867-c 1914]. Image 4: Jaffa, pris de la mer (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jaffa. Image 5: Jaffa, pris de la mer [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jaffa. Image 6: Rameleh (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Ramla. Image 7: Rameleh [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Ramla. Image 8: Tour des 40 martyrs (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Ramla. Image 9: Tour des 40 martyrs [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Ramla. Image 10: Façade du Saint-Sépulcre (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 11: Façade du Saint-Sépulcre [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 12: Intérieur du Saint-Sépulcre (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 13: Intérieur du Saint-Sépulcre [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 14: Tour de David (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 15: Tour de David [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 16: Mur où les juifs vont pleurer (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 17: Mur où les juifs vont pleurer [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 18: Arc de l'Ecce Homo (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 19: Arc de l'Ecce Homo [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 20: Vue de Jérusalem / [Eglise Ste Anne] (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 21: Vue de Jérusalem / [Eglise Ste Anne] [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 22: Mosquée d'Omar (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 23: Mosquée d'Omar [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 24: Mosquée El-Aksa (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 25: Mosquée El-Aksa [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 26: Vallée de Josaphat (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Valley of Josaphat. Image 27: Vallée de Josaphat [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Valley of Josaphat. Image 28: Mont des Oliviers (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount of Olives. Image 29: Mont des Oliviers [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount of Olives. Image 30: Jardin de Gethsémani (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount of Olives. Image 31: Jardin de Gethsémani [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount of Olives. Image 32: Tombeau de la Vierge (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount of Olives. Image 33: Tombeau de la Vierge [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount of Olives. Image 34: Porte dorée (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 35: Porte dorée [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jerusalem. Image 36: Tombeau d'Absalon (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Valley of Josaphat. Image 37: Tombeau d'Absalon [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Valley of Josaphat. Image 38: Tombeau de saint Jacques (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Valley of Josaphat. Image 39: Tombeau de saint Jacques [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Valley of Josaphat. Image 40: Le Tombeau de David et le Cénacle (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount Zion. Image 41: Le Tombeau de David et le Cénacle [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount Zion. Image 42: Bethléem (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Bethlehem. Image 43: Bethléem [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Bethlehem. Image 44: Hébron (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Hebron. Image 45: Hébron [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Hebron. Image 46: La mer Morte (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Dead Sea. Image 47: La mer Morte [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Dead Sea. Image 48: Le Jourdain (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, River Jordan. Image 49: Le Jourdain [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, River Jordan. Image 50: Mont de la Quarantaine (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jericho. Image 51: Mont de la Quarantaine [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Jericho. Image 52: Béthanie (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Bethany. Image 53: Béthanie [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Bethany. Image 54: Nazareth (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Nazareth. Image 55: Nazareth [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Nazareth. Image 56: Naplouse (Sichem) (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Nablus. Image 57: Naplouse (Sichem) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Nablus. Image 58: Le mont Thabor (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount Tabor. Image 59: Le mont Thabor [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount Tabor. Image 60: Tibériade et le lac de Génézareth (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Tiberias. Image 61: Tibériade et le lac de Génézareth [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Tiberias. Image 62: Mont Carmel (text facing image) [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount Carmel. Image 63: Mont Carmel [c 1867-c 1914]. PALESTINE, Mount Carmel. Image 64: Back cover of album [c 1867-c 1914].