San Juan Riego Pueblos Sierras [1920s-1960s]

Description: The mountains characterise the province’s geography with valleys in between but scarce rivers. When the mountain’s snow melt, the water is embalmed and some water is collected for irrigation. In these oases the inhabitants have settled as in the oasis Tulum where we can find the capital city of the province, San Juan. This is because the main river, by the name of San Juan, irrigates the Tulum valley. Other smaller rivers and streams have been dammed to irrigate the extremely dry lands. As already clarified, most of the population settles by the water sources, mostrly, in the central valles such as Tulúm, Ullum, Zonda, and Jáchal, where 90 per cent of the population concentrates. To-day San Juan is the second province with the highest number of people leaving for other provinces-the first one is Santiago del Estero. Extent and format of original material: This envelope contains approximately twenty photographs plus newspapers' and magazines' clippings.